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Taylor Dietrich

Concert Photography & Event Review: RVBY MY DEAR // The Saint Asbury Park 6.19.19

Sometimes a young woman from Australia moves to Brooklyn, New York and decides to start an art-pop project which eventually gets booked to play a gig at a lively New Jersey venue called The Saint. This is one of those things that seems like it shouldn’t have happened but you’re entirely glad that it did. RVBY MY DEAR is this said art-pop project, started by multi-instrumentalist Gabbi Cohen. With the release of their brand new album, Waiting, the crowd at The Saint had more than enough to be excited for. Having followed three other acts, the room was buzzing with anticipation for the curtain to be pulled, revealing a group of extremely talented and passionate artists. The sound of RVBY MY DEAR filled the cozy venue with mellow sounds and incredible vocals which proved to be the perfect escape from the stormy Wednesday night. From their humble beginnings to their exciting album release, this group seems to have come together to create one of the most capable sounds in the music scene. We are excited to see where their new music takes RVBY MY DEAR and to hopefully catch that at a show again in the near future.

Check out RVBY MY DEAR on Twitter, Instagram, and their website. Waiting is available to stream on Spotify.

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